How to add a video to the timeline?


  1. Login to your network or;
  2. Write your update;
  3. Click the video icon to select a video file;
  4. Select the video file and click OPEN;
  5. The video file is being uploaded. Please wait for the Post button to be clickable;
  6. Your video is being processed. This may take several minutes. You will receive a notification when the processing is done and the update has been posted.


  1. Open The mobile app;
  2. Tap Screen_Shot_2017-10-20_at_15.55.38.jpg top right to post an update;
  3. Write your update; 
  4. Tap the video icon to select a video file;
  5. Select your video file and tap on ‘Select’
  6. Tap on the check Screen_Shot_2017-10-20_at_16.00.06.jpg button to post the update
  7. The video file will now be processed. This will take a moment. You will receive a notification when it is done


At this moment it is only possible to upload a video file as an attachment.

  1. Open the Speakap application
  2. Tap on the pencil button to post an update
  3. Write your update
  4. Tap the paperclip to select the video file which is saved on your Android phoneScreen_Shot_2017-10-20_at_16.26.53.jpg
  5. Select the video file and the file will start to upload
  6. When the uploading is done, the upload button will turn blue. Tap the button to post.

Note: Your upload will be only visible on the timeline when you have received a notification of the video being available.

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