- Login to your network or;
- Click on Files in the left menu
Here you will find an overview with the most recent uploaded files, all files in the network and files in groups which you are a member to.
Download of the file will start when you click on the file name.
- Open the iOS app;
- Tap on
down right to open the menu;
- Tap on Files
Here you will find an overview with the most recent uploaded files, all files in the network and files in groups which you are a member to.
Download of the file will start when you click on the file name
- Open the Android app;
- Tap on
top left to open the menu;
- Tap on Files
Here you will find an overview with the most recent uploaded files, all files in the network and files in groups which you are a member to.
Download of the file will start when you click on the file name
Recommended read: Navigating through the Files section