Roles & Permissions

Roles and permissions help you manage your Speakap network effectively. By setting up various roles with different permission levels, you can decide who has access to what and is able to do things like posting within your network.

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Creating a new role

To get started, click on your profile picture located in the top right corner of your screen. Then, select Network settings. From there, choose the Roles menu option. If you want to create a new role, just click on the + Role button.

On this screen, you can give your role a name and set the appropriate permissions. This lets you decide if the role can post news messages, create groups, or manage settings, among other things. Simply click on one of the tabs to start choosing the permissions for the role.

After you've finished adjusting the permissions and naming your new role, click the Create role button to finalize it. Your new role will now be added and can be found in the list of roles within the Roles section of your network settings.

Editing a role

First, click on your profile picture located at the top right of your screen and select Network settings. After that, choose the Roles menu option. Hover over the role you'd like to edit, and you'll see a gear wheel appear on the right side of that role.

Click on the gear wheel to access the role menu and choose the Edit option. Make the necessary changes to the role, and don't forget to click Save role to confirm your updates.

Giving users a role

Navigate to the Roles menu option. Hover over the role you'd like to edit, and you'll see a gear icon appear on the right side of the window.

Click on the gear icon and choose the Add members option. Pick the users you want to add to the role, and confirm your selection by clicking the Add button. The role is now assigned to the users you selected.

You can also assign a role to a user from their user card. You can find this from the Network settings, where you choose Users, and then find the user you want to give a different role. If you click on them, it opens their user card. Under the tab User type you can find which role they have in the network and change it, if needed.

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