Configuring and Managing Widgets

Widgets are handy features that you can add to your network timeline or the timelines of Groups. As a network administrator, you have the ability to set the order in which these widgets appear or even remove them if you prefer.

Let's discuss the widgets available to you and how to manage them effectively.

Featured Widget

The featured widget helps you gather important links, websites, and documents all in one spot. On desktop, you can see it next to the timeline, and it's accessible to all members. For those using the mobile app, it's available as a menu item where you can easily open the docs and links.


Recent files Widget

The recent files widget shows the latest files that have been uploaded to areas of the network that the user can access. Please note that this widget is not available on the mobile apps.


Download our apps Widget

The download our apps widget helps new members of your network discover our mobile apps. It's especially handy during the initial phase of using your network. 


Journeys Widget

If your network has the Journeys feature set up, you'll have the option to enable the Journeys widget. This will display the Journeys that require a user's attention, along with the number of Journeys assigned to them.

Managing Widgets

You can manage your widgets by going to the Widgets tab in your network settings. If you’d like to change the order of the widgets, simply drag them to a new position: the first half will appear on the left, and the remaining ones will be on the right.


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