Widgets are convenient additions to your network timeline or to the timeline of Groups. As a network administrator, you may define the order these widgets are displayed or remove them entirely.
Featured widget
The featured widget allows you to collect important links, websites and documents in one place. It is visible on the right side of the timeline and available to all members.
Please note: The featured widget is only available on the desktop web client. Mobile app users will not be able to see these files or links. Do you want files available for the app users, please use the Filesection within Speakap.
Recent files widget
The recent files widget is displayed under the featured widget by default and displays the most recent files that have been uploaded to parts of the network the user has access to.
Download our apps widget
The download our apps widget ensures new members of your network will be made aware of our mobile apps. This widget is particularly useful in the first phase of using your network.
Managing widgets
Widgets can be managed by navigating to the Widgets tab in your network settings. The order of widgets may be changed by dragging the widgets to another position.