Google Calendar
- On a computer, open Google Calendar. You can only get the code to embed in your website from a computer, not the Google Calendar app.
- In the top right, click Settings
- On the left side of the screen, click the name of the calendar you want to embed.
- In the Integrate calendar section, copy the Public URL to this calendar link
- Login to your Speakap Network (You must be an Admin to complete the remaining steps)
- Navigate to: Settings (Cog Icon) > Network Settings > General > Speakap Market
- If the Speakap Market is not visible, please reach out to Speakap Support
- Click the + Application button
- Click the Add your own custom application button
- Configure your Manifest by following our Developer Portal documentation: Configuring the Manifest JSON
- Set the Position attribute to "main" to display the Calendar within a dedicated iFrame window within your Speakap Network
- Set the URL attribute to the copied Calendar URL from Step 4
- Set the Devices attribute to "all" to show the Calendar on all devices
- Set any additional attributes as necessary (E.g. button names, labels, icons)
- No Permission attributes need to be defined
- Add the Manifest code to the Speakap Market window and click the Add Application button
- Enable the viewing access to the entire Speakap Network by choosing the Entire Network button or define viewing access via specific Groups
- You can now access the Calendar by clicking the button in the left-hand menu of your Speakap Network
Apple iCloud Calendar
- Unfortunately, Apple no longer allows the embedding of the Apple iCal into websites
- Option #1: Import you Apple iCal into Google Calendar
- Navigate to your Apple iCloud Calendar application
- Click the Share icon next to the calendar you want to view from Google Calendar. In the pop-up window, select the Public Calendar checkbox and then click the Copy Link option beneath the URL.
- Now, open Google Calendar. Click the plus sign on the left side and then click the From URL option.
- Paste in the calendar URL from iCloud and then click the Add Calendar link.
- You’ll now get a read-only version of your iCloud Calendar in your Google Calendar feed. This means you can see your events, but you won’t be able to make any changes without using an Apple device or
- Follow the Google Calendar steps above to integrate the calendar into your Speakap Network
- Option #2: if it is possible for your organization to host the Apple iCal via an HTML page, then the page may be added via a Manifest through the Speakap Market
- Once the Apple iCal has been hosted within an HTML page, you may follow the Google Calendar steps above from Step 5 through Step 12
Microsoft Outlook
- From Microsoft Outlook, right-click on the Calendar then choose Share > Publish This calendar or you can sign in your OWA > Settings > Calendar > Options > Calendar > Calendar publishing
- Select a calendar: you can choose the calendar you want to share.
- Select permissions: you can specify the level of details published.
- Click on Save. You will be shown two links, one is HTML link, another one is ICS link.
- Copy the HTML link
- Login to your Speakap Network (You must be an Admin to complete the remaining steps)
- Navigate to: Settings (Cog Icon) > Network Settings > General > Speakap Market
- If the Speakap Market is not visible, please reach out to Speakap Support
- Click the + Application button
- Click the Add your own custom application button
- Configure your Manifest by following our Developer documentation: Configuring the Manifest JSON
- Set the Position attribute to "main" to display the Calendar within a dedicated iFrame window within your Speakap Network
- Set the URL attribute to the copied Calendar URL from Step 4
- Set the Devices attribute to "all" to show the Calendar on all devices
- Set any additional attributes as necessary (E.g Button names, labels, icons)
- No Permission attributes need to be defined
- Add the Manifest code to the Speakap Market window and click the Add Application button
- Enable the viewing access to the entire Speakap Network by choosing the Entire Network button or define viewing access via specific Groups
- You can now access the Calendar by clicking the button in the left-hand menu of your Speakap Network