Using the Speakap News web part on Sharepoint

Not all your employees are the same, we understand that. Some of your employees have their daily routines built around the SharePoint platform that is being used by your employees on the headquarters for example. This results in lower engagement with the Speakap platform for those employees. To make sure they’re still able to see all the important things you post on your Speakap network, we’ve created a Speakap News web part that shows the latest news items from your Speakap network directly within SharePoint.


Installing the Speakap News web part

Installing the Speakap News web part takes place on the SharePoint environment. There is no configuration needed on Speakap’s side at all. All you need to know if the right URL to add to SharePoint at the right time.

You can find instruction on how to create a new web part within your SharePoint environment here. Be sure to use the embed web part type as it won’t work with another type.

Once they ask you to enter the Website address or embed code, you can add the following URL with iFrame:

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="790px" frameBorder="0" style="border: 0;"></iframe>

Be sure to replace yournetworkname with the actual name of your network.

Using the Speakap News web part

Once installed in your SharePoint environment, your SharePoint users will be able to use the web part to see their latest news items. They do need to sign into their Speakap account before we can show their news items.

If you’re using Single Sign on for your Speakap network, this should happen automatically. If not, the user will be presented with the Speakap login screen once, to log into his Speakap account. This login uses the username and password that are normally used to login to the Speakap platform.



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