Advanced user deletion

By default, we remove all personal information of your employees with the exception of their names when they terminate and their accounts are removed from your Speakap network. However, under the GDPR, keeping the name of former employees is a grey area. If this is something that concerns you, we will allow you to pick between different deletion types.

Deletion types

At the moment, there are two options to choose from when setting the deletion type. This will be applied to every user who will be deleted from your network, whether it's done manually or through our User Sync application.

With this option selected, all personal information will be removed from our servers with the exception of the first and last name of the account. The name will be shown to identify the account with generated content like updates, news items, and comments.

When selecting this option, the following information will be removed from our servers:

  • Job title
  • Email address(es)
  • Phone number(s)
  • Address
  • Date of birth

When selecting Delete & Anonymise option, all information including the first and last name of the account will be removed from our servers. This means that for generated content like updates, news items, and comments, we will not be able to show this information anymore.

When selecting this option, the following information will be removed from our servers:

  • First and last name
  • Job title
  • Email address(es)
  • Phone number(s)
  • Address
  • Date of birth

Changing the deletion type


If you would like to change the deletion type for your network, you can do this in your network preferences:

  1. Open your Network settings
  2. Go to the Preferences section
  3. Go to the User management tab
  4. Under Account deletion, select your desired settings
  5. Click on Save and apply

Note: When changing from Delete to Delete & Anonymise, this setting will be applied to previously deleted accounts as well, meaning that they will also be anonymised.

Showing anonymised accounts

Even though an account has been deleted and anonymised, there is still content generated by that account within the network. Since we always show the author of a specific piece of content, we've changed this behaviour slightly to indicate that the author of that specific piece of content has been deleted from the network.

For messages like updates, comments, news items, events, and polls, we will indicate that the authors account has been deleted.



In one-on-one conversations, we will indicate that the account has been deleted. The conversation is still available since it might still contain relevant information. Adding new messages to the conversation, however, is no longer possible.



In a group conversation, we will indicate that messages have been sent by a deleted account and you can continue the conversation with the other participants.



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