Customizing the appearance of the network using themes

A key feature of the Speakap platform is the ability to customize your network with your own corporate branding. This helps it feel familiar and secure for both you and your employees.

In the Branding section of our Network settings, you can easily update the colors, favicon, backgrounds, and logos of your network. If your company has multiple brands or operates in different markets, a single theme may not meet your needs. But not to worry!

To ensure that all employees can use the Speakap platform with the appropriate branding, we provide the option to create multiple themes within your network. You can assign these themes to individual Business Units and Local Departments, allowing members to experience the Speakap network in a way that feels comfortable and recognizable to them.


Branding settings

The Branding section of the Network settings lets you create and manage the themes for your network. Here, you can create new themes, search for themes within your network, and edit or manage your existing themes.


Creating a new theme

To create a new theme, just click on the New theme button in the branding settings. A pop-up will appear where you can adjust the settings for your new theme. Feel free to save your changes anytime by clicking the Save button.

Since there are quite a few settings to work with, we've organised the theme creation into several tabs. Below, you'll find a brief overview of each tab and the configurations you can make within them.

The General tab lets you set the following details:


  • Theme name: This is the name of your theme as displayed in the Branding section. It should be unique and can't be left blank.
  • Network logo: This logo will appear in the login section and when identifying your network.
  • Favicon: This will show up in tabs, bookmarks, and other places.

The Colors tab lets you to set the colors for the following elements:


  • Header color: This refers to the color of the top navigation bar.
  • Button color: This is the color of the buttons across the platform, including everything from the login button to the save theme settings button.
  • Link color: This indicates the color for text links found in updates, news items, events, comments, and private messages on your platform.

You can use the “Reset to system defaults” option to revert any custom colors back to the default Speakap colors.

The Background tab lets you choose a background image for your network. You can pick from the default backgrounds or upload your own custom image.


When you upload a custom background, we recommend choosing one that is at least 1440 by 900 pixels or follows a 16:10 ratio. This will help ensure it looks great on most screens.

If you ever want to go back to the original look, you can use the “Reset to system defaults” option. This will remove any custom background and set it back to the default gray color.

The Login tab lets you customize your login page with multiple backgrounds. You can choose to stick with the default backgrounds or upload up to four of your own custom ones.


When you're uploading a custom login background, it's best to choose one that is at least 1440 by 900 pixels or has a 16:10 ratio. This will help ensure it looks great on the most common screen resolutions.

If you ever want to go back to the original look, you can simply use the “Reset to system defaults” option. This will remove any custom background and set it back to the default gray color.

Since we can't tell which theme a user will be using before they log in, the default theme will always be displayed on the login pages.

The Covers tab lets you upload a default cover image. This image will be used for a group, profile, news item, or event when there isn't a custom cover image available for that particular item.


When you upload a custom cover image, make sure it's at least 1200 by 400 pixels.

If you want to go back to the original look, you can use the “Reset to system defaults” option. This will remove any custom cover image you've added and replace it with the default Speakap cover images.

The Assign theme tab lets you assign your theme to one or more organizational groups in your network.

Every member of a group with an assigned theme will view your Speakap network in that particular theme.



Here are a few things to keep in mind about assigning themes:

A group can only have one theme assigned to it. Since we can only display one theme to a user at a time, you won't be able to assign multiple themes to a single group. If you attempt to assign a new theme to a group that already has one, you'll have the option to replace the existing theme.

You can't assign a theme to a child group if its parent already has one. If a Business unit has a theme assigned, you won't be able to assign a theme to a Local department within that unit, as it would create a conflict. Members of that Local department would end up seeing two different themes, which isn't allowed.

Groups without a custom theme will use the default theme. If a group hasn't been assigned a theme, its members will see the default network theme.

Conflicting assignments will revert to the default theme. If a user belongs to multiple groups, each with its own theme, they will see the default theme instead.


Managing themes

For each theme in your network, there are a variety of actions you can take. This means that any administrator who has access to this section can carry out these actions on all themes.


Duplicate theme

When you duplicate a theme, you'll get a copy of all its settings, except for the assigned groups. This is a handy way to create a new theme based on an existing one.

As you duplicate a theme, you'll be asked to give it a name. Just a friendly reminder that the name should be unique to avoid any mix-ups or conflicts.

Edit theme

This option lets you adjust each individual property of a theme. Just a heads up, once you save these changes, they will be visible to everyone who views that theme.

Delete theme

If you don't need this theme anymore, feel free to delete it.

Just a heads up, if there are any groups linked to it, you'll need to move those groups to a different theme.

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