To use Labels you need an Enterprise network.
Speakap offers a quick way of addressing large groups of business units. This article will explain to you what a Label is, how to create a Label and how to use it.
What is a label?
A label is a custom group of business units which can be used to address when composing news item. When selecting a label as a recipient for a news item, all selected business units should be added as a recipient for that specific news item.
Who can make labels?
All users with the Manage organisation privilege should be able to create, edit and delete labels. All labels should be accessible to other users within the same network.
Who can use labels?
All users with the Post news items to any group privilege should be able to use labels when composing a news item.
How to create a Label?
- Click the gear wheel on the top right of your screen;
- Select Manage Organisation located under Organisation settings.
- Click Labels in the left side Menu
- Click +Label
- Select the applicable Business Units & Name your Label, click Save
- The Label has been created.
How to use the Label in a News item.
- Open the News items section in the left menu.
- Create a News item
- Click the To Field to select the label as your recipients and click Select
To read about creating news items, please click here