How do I report a bug?

If you find a bug in Speakap, providing us with the correct information will help us to quickly and efficiently find a solution.

Please provide us with the following information:

• Is the error occurring on the web, the mobile app or both?
• If it’s occurring on the mobile app, is it happening on iOS and/or Android? What brand of smartphone are you using?
• If it’s occurring on the web app, which browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox) are you using?
• Which version of the Speakap app are you using? You can find this information in the app by tapping on About via the Main menu

• Describe exactly what happens!
• How often does it happen? Does it happen every time or only sometimes?
• What are the steps the users were doing that led up to the issue?
• How many users are affected?
• Did you receive an error message or notification? If so what did it say?
• If possible, please include visuals like a screenshot/video recording.

• What date did the bug occur?
• What time did the bug occur?

Do you have this information? Please Report a bug

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